
Gina Joy Carano began her career as a Muay Thailand fighter. She was also dubbed The Face of Women's MMA. She was crowned The Face Of Women's MMA following her first professional bout with Muay Thai. With 12 victories under her credit, she boasts a remarkable Muay Thai track record. Hers is the only American victory by a woman in Muay Thai Thailand. Thailand. She was a gymnast, jazz tap ballet and horse riding while growing up and was a star in volleyball and softball in the school. Jiujitsu is a different skill she possess. In her MMA her, she's won seven matches and lost one. She's a huge MMA legend because of her fighting skills as well as her calming personality and stunning looks. Haywire's and Fast & Furious 6' were Hollywood blockbuster smashes. There was an allegation that she did sex in order in order to increase her fame. Such harsh words never affected her winning attitude and fans continued showering their love over her. Many people are inspired by her talent, character and perseverance.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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