Andrew Garfield

Andrew Russell Garfield, born 20th August 1983, is a Los Angeles California-born American actor and producer. The Social Network (2010) The Amazing Spider-Man (12) and Hacksaw Ridge (2016) are among his most notable performances. Garfield started out his professional profession as a theatre actor, before making his first appearance on film and television in 2005. After his success on the set of The Social Network (2010), he portrayed Spider-Man for the sequel in 2012, which was directed by Marc Webb. Ben Garfield is a brother to his. In his early years his family relocated the family from the United States to Surrey England. In the early years, he began learning to act as well as participating in school productions. After completing his studies at Central School of Speech and Drama London, he made his first steps into theatre.

Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield Christina Hendricks Christina Hendricks


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